We are proud to have an Environmental Representative at each of our sites worldwide to champion site-level environmental program activities. With a continuous improvement culture, the team reviews their operations’ environmental performance, shares best practices, and implements site-level improvements.
Projects include:
- Energy efficiency and behavioural change initiatives
- Electric vehicle charging points have been installed in Thailand.
- A ‘switch off’ campaign to reduce energy use was launched at our shrimp genetics site in Fellsmere, Florida.
- Waste reduction programmes
- Use of glass bottles for water and ongoing recycling initiatives in Belgium offices
- Recycling schemes
- Redundant IT equipment from our office in Bangkok, Thailand has been donated to a local temple.
- Rainwater is collected at our office in Dendermonde, Belgium which is used for flushing toilets.
Collectively these smaller projects add up and make a difference in reducing Benchmark’s environmental footprint.