Field trial in Mexico demonstrates how optimised feeding protocol can improve their bottom line

In a recent Mexican field Benchmark’s INVE ‘best balance’ shrimp feeding protocol  produced a  27% increase in post-larval shrimp yield resulting in a 20% increase in harvest profits.

The trial’s success presents a sustainable and cost-effective solution to counteract production challenges facing the global shrimp industry.

How was the field trial conducted?

During the trial shrimp were raised in identical conditions in a commercial hatchery, controlling for factors including water treatment and microalgae cultivation. Benchmark’s  ‘best balance’ feed was designed specifically for the local hatchery conditions. 

The shrimp fed using INVE’s  ‘best balance’ protocol had a 43% higher body weight and largely increased survival rates.. Success of the ’best balance’ feed was attributed to a higher artemia content. Critically, the feed was also found to be cost-effective. The ‘best balance’ feeding protocol  represents a flexible, cost-effective approach to shrimp hatchery culture, where the feed protocol is tailored to raise production in local conditions to maximise yield.

A solution to some of the challenges facing shrimp farmers today

More and more shrimp farmers are under pressure to produce a higher output over their short 4-month production season. Pressures come from disease challenges, cost pressure and warming waters caused by climate change affecting post-larval survival. Optimising the feeding protocols using INVE’s ‘best balance’ approach not only improves yield but also allows for more breeding cycles helping shrimp farmers address these challenges and improve  their bottom line.

Although larval development and growth can be positively impacted by factors such as genetic improvement of breeding lines, stocking density, and water management, optimized nutrition still seems the obvious solution. That is why we set up a trial to investigate if a carefully balanced feeding protocol could add effectiveness to the larval rearing stages, allowing hatcheries to produce more, faster growing, and stronger post-larvae

Alfredo Medina, Global Technical Expert Shrimp Hatchery at INVE Aquaculture

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